UIBarButtonItem title 入 nil 唔好入 @””

用 code 整 nav button … 如果無 title 就入 nil … 入 @”” … 佢會因為其他有 component 郁 而 會移動並出現在 strange position

UIBarButtonItem *menuButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@""

UIBarButtonItem *menuButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:nil

decorator in python


class entryExit(object):
def __init__(self, f): 
    print 'entry init enter' 
    self.f = f 
    print 'entry init exit'
def __call__(self, *args): 
    print "Entering", self.f.__name__ 
    r = self.f(*args) 
    print "Exited", self.f.__name__ 
    return r
print 'decorator using'
def hello(a): 
print 'inside hello' 
return "hello world " + a
print 'test start' 
print hello('friends')
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================ 
decorator using 
entry init enter 
entry init exit 
test start 
Entering hello 
inside hello 
Exited hello 
hello world friends

property inheritance in ios


How to access backing ivars for inherited properties in Objective-C
I had a superclass that declared and synthesized a read only property, meant to be set in its subclasses. The code was something like this:

@interface A : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger prop;

@implementation A
@synthesize prop = _prop;

@interface B : A

@implementation B

  • (void)establishValueForProp
    _prop = 1; // PROBLEM !!!


The instance variable backing the property seemed to be invisible in the subclass. The error was pretty unclear when compiling an iOS app: “Use of undeclared identifier ‘_prop'”. To get around the error I did the following:

@interface A : NSObject {
NSUInteger _prop;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger prop;

That is, I explicitly declared the backing variable in the declaration of the superclass.

Interestingly, when I was preparing this blog post I compiled the code above as a “Command Line Tool” type of project, not an iOS app. The error was different, dare I say better, more telling of the root cause: “Instance variable ‘_prop’ is private”. So it’s a matter of the visibility of the ivar, so perhaps a better fix would be:

@interface A : NSObject {
NSUInteger _prop;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger prop;

Kind of interesting though that properties are synthesized by default as private ivars. Learned something new.
Posted by Bogdan Hapca at 12:09 PM
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Labels: iOS, Objective-C
1 comment:

Liviu Macsen said…
Thank your Bogdan for your solution. I found that you can also synthesize in subclass in order to solve this problem.

@implementation B

@synthesize prop = _prop;

  • (void)establishValueForProp
    _prop = 1; // Working !!!
